Inger Kjær

Inger Kjær

Professor emeritus.

Inger Kjær is Professor of Orthodontics and her particular area of research includes craniofacial development and dentofacial diagnostics.

Her scientific publications focus on human prenatal craniofacial development under normal and pathological conditions with particular focus on hard tissue and nervous tissue. Inger Kjær has shed light on the genetic background behind deviant developmental courses and has performed comparative studies of the development before and after birth.

On this basis, Inger Kjær has developed a new type of diagnostics of cranial structures as well as an aetiology-based diagnostics of the dentition, observed on panoramic radiographs.

In recent studies, Inger Kjær has related deviations in the craniofacial skeleton, including dental deviations, to neuroradiological deviations.

Inger Kjær's research results relate to the following disciplines: Gynecology/obstetrics, foetal pathology, endocrinology, genetics, paediatrics, paedodontics, orthodontics, surgery and neurology.

She teaches graduate and postgraduate students in dentistry and medicine and acts as course director for medical and dental staff on all levels.

As head of the postgraduate programme in Orthodontics, Inger Kjær teaches reading, understanding and application of scientific literature as well as preparation of scientific theses and dissertations.

Inger Kjær also provided national and international consultation in connection with diagnostics and orthodontic treatment planning.

ID: 6085